Greiner Legislation to Allow Licensed Professionals Ability to Seek Guidance from Licensing Boards

February 16, 2021

HARRISBURG - Rep. Keith Greiner (R-Lancaster) has introduced legislation to allow licensed professionals the ability to seek advisory opinions, which would be legally nonbinding, from their respective licensing boards pertaining to the interpretation of an act or regulation relating to the licensee.

“The current uncertain economic environment in Pennsylvania caused by numerous COVID-19 mandates has caused a great burden for our small businesses or other professionals that need extra advice about waived or suspended regulations or guidance issued by the boards,” said Greiner. “Currently, boards are not allowed to answer inquiries which leads to indecision and possible violations that could otherwise have been avoided.

“My legislation removes this time-wasting burden for our workers and their small businesses during this difficult economic situation. I urge my colleagues and the Department of State to have compassion for these individuals seeking to earn a living and provide for their families by supporting this bill.”

Last session, House Bill 325 had the support of many stakeholder groups representing licensed professions such as the PA Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the PA Medical Society, the PA Cemetery Cremation and Funeral Association and the PA Academy of Family Physicians.

Representative Keith Greiner
43rd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Alison Haas

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